The Department of Digital Systems of the School of Technology of the University of Thessaly is based in Larissa and its modern facilities are located in the "Gaiopolis" campus, on the Larissa-Trikala road.The Department fully covers the entire basic range of knowledge in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which it utilizes in the context of the development of wider Digital Systems, i.e. systems that store, process and transmit data and information in digital form.

The Department offers four-year undergraduate studies as well as postgraduate and doctoral studies. Beyond the theoretical foundation of basic science, the curriculum also provides specialization of knowledge in emerging areas of Digital Transformation, such as precision primary production, the internet of things, big data analysis, artificial intelligence, etc. These sectors already have a large impact on the economy and are characterized by a continuous and increased demand for highly trained scientists. These characteristics ensure the Department's graduates excellent employment prospects.

Graduates of the Department of Digital Systems have the same professional rights as graduates of any University Department of Informatics and their professional possibilities include jobs:

in education (as IT teachers),
in research at a theoretical and applied level,
in the development of application software for conventional, mobile and embedded computing devices,
in the development of applications on the world wide web,
in the integration of precision technologies in primary production,
in networking any kind of device in the "internet of things",
in the production of knowledge by "data mining",
in artificial intelligence applications, etc.
In addition, the graduates of the Department have all the resources to continue their studies at postgraduate and/or doctoral level.

The Department is well equipped and staffed but also seeks the continuous improvement of every parameter that can contribute to an even higher level of studies. The teachers of the Department have many years of experience in teaching and research, while their participation in research programs, at the Greek and international level, provides them with a substantial understanding of the developments in their field and in the labor market.

The Department of Digital Systems follows a quality philosophy with respect for excellence and meritocracy, seeking the continuous improvement of the education provided to its students and recognizing the responsibility to provide a multifaceted contribution to society.


Dept. Digital Systems
University of Thessaly
Gaiopolis Group
Peripheral Road Larisa-Trikala
PO Box 415 00, Larissa
